Resource Center

Resource Center Hours:

Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday: 9am–1pm

Wednesday: 3pm–7pm

Thursday: 9am–1pm

Friday: 9am–1pm

Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

Manna’s Resource Center is barrier-free and available to everyone.

During your first visit to the Resource Center, you’ll check in at the front desk, provide a preferred name and birthdate, and a team member will let you in. Once inside we will ask additional demographic questions including gender, race, and employment status, but everyone has the right to decline to answer. We do not require any proof of ID, financial status, or residency to make a profile or receive services.

Visit Our Food Market

Manna’s food market operates through generous donations from businesses, organizations, and community members. We are located in the Manna Resource Center and offer a wide array of food options, including produce, dried and canned goods, meat, bread, desserts, and dairy. Occasionally, we have prepared foods such as sandwiches and salads.

  • We are a free choice food market with rotating offerings based on donations. The food market is located in the Manna Resource Center and is open during the same hours as the Resource Center.

  • Once you meet with a front desk employee and complete a short intake questionairre, you can access the Market. To check out from the Market, we ask that people weigh their groceries so we can track how much food we distribute.

  • We do not impose limits on the total weight that any individual can take, but we do limit the quantity of specific items. Our limits may change week-to-week based on availability but typically our limits are as follows:

    • Frozen Meat: 1 unit/week per member of household

    • Canned Meat: 3 units/week per member of household

    • Eggs: 1 unit/week per household

    • Cheese: 1 unit/week per household

    • Milk: 1 unit/week per household

    • Dehydrated Meals: 3 units/week per household

    Please check the current limits when you enter the Resource Center.

Access Resources

  • We will help you submit your applications and redeterminations to receive food benefits.

  • Housed or not, we can connect you to housing resources.

  • We can help cover the costs of prescriptions for non-narcotic medicines and eyeglasses assistance programs.

  • We offer help with obtaining ID's, driver licenses, birth certificates, & social security cards.

  • We can help you order a government issued phone.

  • We can help you build your resume, find suitable jobs, fill out job applications, and can help you find professional attire.

What can we help you with?

Have questions or want to book an appointment?

Call (970)385-5095 or come visit us in person during operating hours!

Resource Center services are available to everyone. Manna’s Resource Navigators can assist you with a variety of needs and can connect you to services to help you reach your goals. While our primary services are listed, please reach out if you are seeking other forms of assistance and we will do our best to connect you.

Additional Services

  • Manna has two ADA accessible private shower rooms. You can book a shower at the front desk, on the day of, during one of our predetermined 25 minute time slots. This allows 20 minutes to shower and 5 minutes to clean.

  • You can book a shower, on the day of, at the front desk. Once the shower slots have been booked that is all we can accommodate on that day.

    On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays you can book a shower at:

    • 9:05am, 9:50am, 10:35am, 11:20am, 12:05pm.

    On Wednesdays you can book a shower at:

    • 3:05pm, 3:50pm, 4:35pm, 5:20pm, 6:05pm.

  • Manna provides a towel, a washcloth, bathmat, 3-in-1 shampoo, and cleaning supplies.

    Please exit the shower and clean it before the conclusion of your time slot. Use the cleaning solution to spray then scrub the shower walls, seat, handles and floor return the bathmat to the bar on the wall, and mop the floor if needed.


  • We offer thrift store vouchers to United Methodist Thrift for the amount of $18 for adults and $10 for children, available every six months. Come visit our Resource Center and ask about availability to see if we are able to write one for you at that time.

  • Our Community Closet operates as a community donated system with clothing, shoes, bedding, and other used items. It is located by our take-out window and is open Monday through Friday 9am to 4:00pm.

  • In partnership with Laundry Love, Manna is able to provide a monthly laundry service at North Main Laundry. At these events, a Manna staff member will be available to facilitate the program. Laundry Love happens on every 3rd Wednesday of the month at North Main Laundry at 2980 N. Main Ave Durango. This program will pay for the laundry of participants who register in advance. You can register for Laundry Love in-person at Manna the Front Desk during Resource Center operating hours.

Clothing Assistance

  • We offer monthly bus passes through the Durango Transit Center. Bus passes are a limited resource and are distributed from the first Tuesday of each month until the 10th of that month, or until we run out. There is a limit of two bus passes per person per calendar year, and recipients must qualify for this through employment, employment search, housing search, or other circumstances. Please see a Resource Navigator to access this resource.

  • We offer bus tokens through the Durango Transit Center. Bus tokens are a limited resource and there is a maximum of 2 tokens per person per week. Please see someone at the Front Desk or a Resource Navigator to access this resource.

  • We provide gas vouchers. Gas vouchers are a limited resource and are distributed from the first Tuesday of each month until we run out. There is a limit of one gas voucher per household per 6 month period. Please see a Resource Navigator to access this resource.

Transportation Services

  • You can use Manna’s address as your mailing address. Please see someone at the front desk or a Resource Navigator for more information and to access this resource.

  • You can check your mail while the Resource Center is open.

  • You should check to see if you have received mail once a week. It is important to actively check your mail as we only hold mail for 2 months. This means if mail is received at Manna in January, it will be marked as return-to-sender and sent back on the first business day of March. You can also call the Manna front desk to check your mail up to one time each month.

Mail Service

  • Our Business Center is located within the Manna Resource Center. It has two computers and a phone that can be booked at our front desk by anyone in the community.

  • The Business Center is open during the same hours as the Resource Center.

  • The Business Center computers and phone can typically only be used for a 30-minute period. Additionally, all content from the searches and calls in the Business Center must be family friendly.

Business Center

We occasionally have supplies at the the Front Desk such as socks, hand warmers, rain ponchos, beanies, gloves, can openers, and emergency blankets.

Front Desk Supplies

Resource Center Partners

Axis Health System

Axis Health System offers services at Manna to help with applications for Medicaid and SNAP. They also help set up appointments with Axis doctors, therapists, or dentists and coordinate with providers if someone is already a patient.


Sexual Assault Services Organization (SASO) is a non-profit committed to end and prevent sexual violence.  They offer services in our satellite office at Manna Soup Kitchen that range from in person advocacy with listening, helping survivors find resources, and offering healing hope. 

Alternative Horizons

Alternative Horizon’s services are free, confidential, and voluntary. They offer therapeutic services, legal advocacy, access to the Bridges of Hope legal program, and safety planning. They have a 24/7/365 hotline and offer virtual support groups. The Bridges of Hope Legal Project provides civil legal assistance to survivors of domestic violence in cases of dissolution of marriage/legal separation, allocation of parental rights, child support. Alternative Horizons cannot provide legal representation; however, they can provide free legal consults for survivors to answer legal questions and help prepare paperwork if they are representing themselves in court.

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Colorado HIV Programs provides HIV testing and safer sex materials the 4th Thursday of each month at Manna. HIV tests are free, confidential, and the entire process takes about 10 minutes. Sexual health materials include, but are not limited to, condoms, dental dams, fentanyl test strips, and pregnancy tests.

La Plata County Public Health Department

La Plata County Public Health Department’s harm reduction program regularly attends Manna providing overdose prevention supplies (naloxone and fentanyl testing strips), risk reduction education, HIV and hepatitis C testing, and connects people to medical, behavioral health, recovery and other social services in the community through the trusted team. Periodically other public health services are also offered like health insurance navigation, immunizations and more.